The Chinese New Year is coming, we held
Spring Festival Party in Haigang restaurant on Feb 8th, all of our
staff took part in the party, and our suppliers and cooperators are included, there
were many red lanterns were hung among trees, everyone present were enveloped
at happy atmosphere.
The CEO of our company Mr Liu SongQin made
a stirring speech, he made a brief review about the growth of our company in
2014, and make further plan in 2015.
Also, there are many performances during
the party, and our CEO Mr Liu SongQiu gave high praise for us, also he gave
high praise and prize for excellent workers, managers and all departments, we
feel like a big family here in Guangyang.
Thank you for our staff’s hard working,
thank you for supplier’s support, and thank you for the cooperator’s and
customer’s confidence, we hope we can have better cooperations in 2015.
We are proud of our company, and thank you
for providing us so nice working enviroment, although we may face many
difficulties, and there are competitions everywhere, we still believe we can
overcome it and go further, also, we hope our company will get more and more success
in the future.